Diverse Learning Environments

Red Room
Ideally this room is for those that are two years old as of September 1st. Children will be evaluated during the first month for school readiness. On occasion children will be accepted into the program during the school year if space allows. Our program encourages children to separate from their caregiver, to take simple direction and to be interested in exploring and socializing. The learning process is primarily through play and teacher focused activities. Children are not required to be toilet trained prior to entry.
Blue Room
This room is for those that are three years old. Children will be evaluated during the first month for school readiness. Our program encourages social interaction, balances structured learning and unstructured choice activities, a greater expectation of following directions, and adequate vocabulary for social interaction. At this stage they are learning to be independent and are participating in the use of the restroom with little assistance.

Green Room
This room is for those that are three years old. Children will be evaluated during the first month for school readiness. Our program encourages social interaction, balances structured learning and unstructured choice activities, a greater expectation of following directions, and adequate vocabulary for social interaction. At this stage they are learning to be independent and are participating in the use of the restroom with little assistance.
Yellow Room
The Yellow Room is for those that will enter kindergarten or transitional kindergarten following completion of the school year. Students must be toilet trained, and capable of attending to their personal needs without support.
The focus of this program is elementary school readiness. The importance of verbal communication, sharing, following directions, fun fitness, reasoning, fine/gross motor skills and beginning stages of Learning Without Tears curriculum.